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Specialized SEO Agency for Legal Sector

Business Model: A specialized SEO agency for the legal sector focusing on enhancing online visibility and authority for law firms.


  • Initial SEO Audit: $2,000-$5,000.
  • Monthly SEO Management: $1,000-$10,000.
  • Content Creation: $200-$500 per piece.

Audience Building and Marketing:

  • Social Media: LinkedIn marketing and Facebook/Instagram stories.
  • Overlooked Channels: Webinars, online workshops, and partnerships with legal software providers.
  • Rapid Growth Tactics: SEO case competitions and referral programs.

Additional Revenue Streams:

  • SEO Training and Workshops.
  • Subscription-based SEO tools for legal websites.

Long-Term Growth:

  • Expanding to legal tech consultancy and global market.